Artist 2016 - 2024
Die Residency wurde gegründet von dem Kollektiv super+, seit 2018 wird sie organisiert und kuratiert von Janina Totzauer sowie Magdalena Jooss in Zusammenarbeit mit Leonhard Bendel.
The residency was founded by the collective super+, since 2018 it is organized and curated by Magdalena Jooss as well as Janina Totzauer in cooperation with Leonhard Bendel.
Linda Weiß
Stuttgart, Germany / Sculpture
Rebekka Bauer
Leipzig, Germany / Photography
Kristina Schmidt
Munich, Germina / Painting
Polina Bertou
New York, USA / Painting
Alina Belyagina
Munich, Germany / Performance
Sophia Kesting
Leipzig, Germany / Photography
Anne Seiler
Munich, Germany / Sculptor
Anna Lena Keller
Munich, Germany / Sculptor
Pedro Hurpia
Sao Paulo, Brazil / Video Artist
Julika Meyer
Munich, Germany / Sculptor
Amine Dhouibi
Sousse, Tunesia / Music
Sarah Reva Mohr
Berlin, Germany / Mixed Media
Aliaksandra Yakubouskaya
Praha, Czech Republic / Performance
Anna Pasco
Munich, Germany / Sculpture
Thomas Taube
Jena, Germany / Video artist
Seunghoon Baek
Halle, Germany / Mixed Media
Nelly Stein
Munich, Germany / Sculpture
Sobia Zaidi
Lahore, Pakistan / Performance
Herta Seibt de Zinser
Freiburg, Germany / Sculpture
Benedikt Gahl
Munich, Germany / Painting
Gülbin Ünlü
Munich, Germany / Mixed Media
Jasmin Kaege
Saarbrücken, Germany / Media Art
Agnes Müller
Cologne, Germany / Media Art
Andreji Polukord
Vilnius, Lituania / Sculpture
Jeesoo Hong
Cologne, Germany / Sound Installation
Ömer Kaplan
Vienna, Austria / Sculpture
Johannes Kaufmann
Miesbach, Germany / Photography
Alexandra Kaufmann
Miesbach, Germany / Video Artist
Gemma Meulendijks
Munich, Germany / Media Art
Rupert Jörg
Munich, Germany / Mixed Media
Julian Rabus
Berlin, Germany / Video Artist
Sebastian Schönfeld
Munich, Germany / Video Artist
Atsushi Fukunaga
Berlin, Germany / Sound Artist
Christiane Fleissner
Munich, Germany / Sculpture
Alexander Deubl
Munich, Germany / Sculpture
Jayhung Kim
Berlin, Germany / Painting
Water Lily
Munich, Germany / Music
James Stephen Wright
Munich, Germany / Media Art
Christian Muscheid
Munich, Germany / Painting
Janina Totzauer
Munich, Germany / Mixed Media
Magdalena Jooss
Munich, Germany / Photography
Petra Höglmeier
Munich, Germany / Photography
+49 177 8247397 (Janina Totzauer)
+49 176 61622608 (Magdalena Jooss)